About us

For the 5th month, we don’t get tired of buying, sending, helping the military in this fierce battle with Russia. And when it seems to me that I can’t take it anymore, that I won’t have the strength to reach the finish line, I remember that I’m not alone. That I have my Headquarters “Nasha-Vsyudi”, a powerful charge of energy, a fountain of ideas and humor Yulia Sovershenna Khloptsiv Taras Donenko, Volodymyr Polishchuk, who spend hours on the road and forever unloading/loading and inventing something) almost a Buddha in his calmness and endurance of organization and tailoring Oleg Pencil. Our Polish coordinators and friends of Wsparcie dla Donbasu, who diligently do everything so that Ukrainians have something to fight for.

The rest of our permanent team members abroad, looking for the most needed in the least expected places

Then I scrape myself, collect these particles into a solid rock and move on. Because who but us?!? You and I have one path and it leads to victory

Ihor Sh, thank you, my friend, for not getting tired of standing next to us and giving ammunition to our boys and girls. For the headphones that flew to the Eastern Front yesterday and today to protect our ears and give an understanding of the unity of our nation regardless of where they are. I hug you tightly. Everything will be Ukraine, it simply cannot be otherwise!

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