Благодійний аукціон Art Front Ukraine

Charity auction Art Front Ukraine

We collect works of art that will be sold at charity auctions in various European cities. The collected funds will be used for the purchase of necessary winter clothes and equipment for the military of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The first charity auction will take place in Warsaw in Lazenki Korolivski on November 9, 2022, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage of Poland and the Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki. The most famous contemporary artists of Poland and Ukraine offered their works for the auction.

We invite you to join the possible organizational support of the auction.

Coordination of this auction, collection of works and organization of the event is handled by the volunteer headquarters of Nasha Vsyud, Polski Zespół Humanitarny i Stowarzyszenie Pokolenie.

We believe in the victory of the Ukrainian people.

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