Collection for the car
We know that everyone is tired, we know, but it’s not time to stop, not time for reflection. We still have to work and work. The war will take its toll, but that will be later. And now let’s work, because who but us?
Support us with money for another car for the guys who lost theirs in this hellish battle with darkness. Thank them for their strength and steadfastness in preserving our country, even with a small donation, every amount will be important, every penny will be in the throat of the occupiers, a drop makes an ocean, remember this.
We are collecting $4,500 for the car of the commander of the RTGR in 17 tank
And we, instead, will play our picture live among those who will make a donation
Always your “Nasha-Vsyudy”
Volodymyr Halashchuk
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